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Senin, 13 Juni 2011


How to make your classes interesting

Whenever possible, give your students choices as to what they would like to do and how they want to do it. For example, after covering a section of work, ask them if they'd rather write a test, have a discussion or do a worksheet on it. You could even divide the class according to what they'd rather do, and let them do that. This also counts for projects and papers. Try to avoid giving the whole class the same topic, unless you have to. Even then try to give them as much leeway as possible.

Try to come up with other ways of presenting things instead of sticking to lesson plans or text books. If you just stand in the front and lecture the whole time, the chances of anyone paying attention are slim.

Also, don't be too eager to offer help to a student, but do make it clear that if they want help they should ask. Some kids like to figure things out for themselves, while others prefer to be told how to do it.

Don't place too much emphasis on keeping your class quiet. Some students will want to help each other or work together, this is a good thing. In fact, don't be the only one talking. Encourage discussion. Let your students interrupt you from time to time to discuss a point. Don't worry if you end up straying off the point a little, just try to keep track of where you were and don't let it go too far. Allow students to move around and sit next to a friend, as long as they do all their work and don't cause major disruptions.

Don't worry about drinks or food in class as long as the class stays clean. If someone makes a mess, they should clean it up themselves right then and there.

Some people work faster and better if there is music. Since not everyone has the same taste in music, allow your students to listen to whatever they like with headphones on, as long as it's not too loud.

Let students start their homework in your class. This way it becomes more like classwork, and whatever isn't finished by the end of class becomes homework. This way whoever works quickly in class doesn't get homework. The other benefit of this is that you are still there to help them, should they need something explained. I have heard so many complaints by kids who sat up all night trying to finish some math homework that they didn't understand how to do in the first place. Also, be lenient - ask your students if they've already received homework for other classes, and how much of it. If they already have a lot, don't give more. The best option would be to just never give any homework, unless the subject in question is something like math where practice is needed.

With regard to assignments, try to work out due dates with other teachers so that students don't get overworked with assignments on different subjects all at the same time.

A Good Teacher should have characteristics :

• Good teachers treat their students with respect
• Good teachers don't have double standards
• Good teachers are honest
• Good teachers give their students a lot of choice in their assignments
• Good teachers have creative ways of presenting class
• Good teachers get to know their students individually
• Good teachers stand up for their students
• Good teachers let students listen to music (with headphones on!)
• Good teachers don't give much or any homework
• Good teachers speak politely with their students

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011


Learning By Repeating,,Learning By Repeating something over and over again. Examples include reviewing flash cards, listening to something several times on a tape, writing something over and over, going over the words of a speech again and again.
Mnemonic Strategies ,,It help you remember. This includes anagrams or abbreviations, poems or jingles, picturing items in different locations in a garden or other familiar place, or making a word picture of the item, (so catabolize becomes cat • a ball • lies), or matching words with fingers and toes.
Cognitive Mapping - forming a conceptual matrix for understanding. This is also called deep processing or mind-mapping.
Superlearning - you use multi-sensory modalities, emotion and imagination to fix information into memory. This is usually done in a light state of hypnotic trance, called an alpha state.
Tips for Successful Studying
• Relax before tests, and get into a calm state of mind. Anxiety shuts down the cerebral cortex, and locks you into the flight-fright mode of your limbic system. You don't think well in a state of panic, and you don't remember well, either.

• Get enough rest, so your mind is clear.

• Feed your brain before a test. Make sure you are getting sufficient choline and the other B-vitamins, phosphorus, essential fatty acids, good quality proteins and carbohydrates that are easily digestible.

• Study regularly throughout the week, not just at the last minute. Cramming is not a successful strategy to do well on a test.

• Put emotional problems out of your mind when you are in class, while studying and while test taking. Schedule time to think about your problems and work them out—just don't do this during your learning time.

• Have a regular, quiet place to study. Organize your study materials.

• Study with a group to go over the key concepts, and to quiz one another.

• Protect your study time. Don't allow others to distract you.

• Don't study with music, TV, or other noise in the background. It makes it harder to concentrate on your study material—and it may actively contaminate what you are trying to learn with extraneous, unrelated information.

• Set goals for each study session. Review what you have learned before retiring.

• Determine when is your best time to study. Try to study at those times if possible.

• Make study and learning a top priority. Say no to demands that take you away from studying.
Get Understanding
When you study, study for mastery of the concepts of your topic. Start by having questions, by actively inquiring about your subject matter. You acquire knowledge by remembering information; understanding by seeing how this information fits together as a whole. Try asking questions like this as you do your study [We use as an example questions you may ask to study a Vocational Nursing textbook]:
1. What is the purpose of this body system or body part? How does it affect the body as a whole?

2. What is the function of this body part or system? What do its constituent parts do?

3. What are the gross structures of this body part or system? What are its parts called? What are its microscopic parts? What important biochemical molecules does it secrete or produce?

4. What is healthy or ordered functioning of this body part? What major tests measure its functioning? What are normal ranges of these tests?

5. How does this body part or system interact with other body systems? How do changes in the internal or external environment affect its functioning?

6. What are diseases or disordered functioning of this body part or system?

7. What tests or diagnostic procedures are used to determine the disease of this body part or system?

8. What medical procedures are used to restore normal functioning to this body part or system?

9. What medications are used to treat disease in this body part or system?

10. What nursing procedures will I use to help my patients get better? What are key points that I need to keep in mind to make sure my patient gets better?

11. How can I specifically apply this material in my clinical experience as a CNA or VN?

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011


Fungsi Read More kali ini emang agak berbeda dengan versi Read More yang lama (part 1). Bila versi terdahulu kita harus meng-cut tulisan menggunakan cara manual dengan melakukan pemangilan fungsi
atau .. dimana kode ini biasanya kita tanamkan secara manual kedalam halaman postingan. Untuk versi Auto Read More terbaru kali ini sepertinya lebih canggih lagi, karena fungsi pemenggalan kalimat langsung bekerja secara otomatis tanpa harus menambahkan kode diatas.

Trus..hebatnya lagi, fungsi Read More ini mampu menampilkan image pertama dalam postingan dan mem-fload image tersebut di awal paragraf awal, meskipun gambar yang kita letakan berada di tengah atau akhir postingan. Mungki lebih nyaman saya sebut saja dengan fasilitas image thumbnail.

Tidak hanya itu saja, kita dapat juga pengatur jumlah karakter yang ditampilkan. Disini ada 2 pilihan untuk jumlah karakter. Yang pertama, jumlah karakter yang ditampilkan jika ada image yang diikutsertakan dalam postingan dan yang kedua jumlah karakter tanpa image. Masih bingung maksudnya? sama..yang jelasin juga puyeng wkwkwkw  Ya sudah, biar sama2 gak pusing langsung ke tutorialnya saja ok.



Yang sudah memasang Read More versi lama sebaiknya di kodenya kembalikan dulu ke seperti semula, caranya hapus kode yang berwarna merah dibawah ini (Setiap template mungkin berbeda, jadi tinggal disesuaikan saja)

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div class='post-body'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>


<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Readmore</a>

<div style='clear: both;'/>

OK, kalo sudah tinggal lanjutkan dengan tutorial dibawah.

Pertama, silahkan tuju langsung ke halaman EDIT HTML, Cari kode </head> kemudian letakan script dibawah ini di atas kode </head> Kalo sudah, jangan lupa di simpan terlebih dahulu.

Langsung copy paste aja kode dibawah ini:

<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode = "float" ;
summary_noimg = 250;
summary_img = 250;
img_thumb_height = 120;
img_thumb_width = 120;


<script type='text/javascript'>
Auto-readmore link script, version 2.0 (for blogspot)

(C)2008 by Anhvo

visit http://en.vietwebguide.com to get more cool hacks
function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){
var s = strx.split("<");
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){
s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);
strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;
while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);
return strx+'...';

function createSummaryAndThumb(pID){
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
var imgtag = "";
var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = summary_noimg;
if(img.length>=1) {
imgtag = '<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"><img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height="'+img_thumb_height+'px"/></span>';
summ = summary_img;

var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;

Masih pada halaman EDIT HTML, Beri tanda centang pada "Expand widget template" lalu temukan kode seperti dibawah


Kalo sudah, ganti kode <data:post.body/> dengan semua kode dibawah ini

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<div expr:id='"summary" + data:post.id'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<data:post.id/>");</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:left'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>READ MORE - <data:post.title/></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

silahkan disimpan dan lihat hasilnya :)


var thumbnail_mode = "float";  (kita dapat memutuskan apakah letak thumbnail berada di (float) kiri atau jika tidak silahkan ganti dengan (no-float)
summary_noimg = 250; (Menetapkan berapa banyak karakter akan ditampilkan di posting tanpa gambar / thumbnail)
summary_img = 250; (Menetapkan berapa banyak karakter akan ditampilkan di posting dengan gambar / thumbnail)
img_thumb_height = 120; (Thumbnail 'tinggi dalam piksel)
img_thumb_width = 120; (Thumbnail 'lebar dalam piksel)