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Selasa, 27 September 2011

How to Improve English Speaking For Students

To most people, speaking is the most difficult part when learning a foreign language. Although everyone knows that the best way to speak a language fluently is to practice speaking as much as possible, not many people can do this.
Learners often hesitate to speak because they are afraid of pronouncing the words wrongly. In fact it is very difficult to correct a mistake in pronunciation later if you don't pay attention to it from the start.
The advices :
- you should try to pronounce the words right from the very first lessons.
- Be patient when pronouncing new words.
- If you make a constant mistake in pronunciation, you should record the right pronunciation of that word and listen over and over again so that you will be familiar with it.
- You can find short stories in the language you are learning, in books or on the internet and read them aloud at home.
- In this way you can roughly judge how good your pronunciation is and gain more confidence when speaking to others later.
- You can also try to think in the language you are learning.
- It may sound crazy but speaking to yourself in a foreign language is very effective for your learning.
Others :
 Of course the best way to improve your speaking skills is to talk with a native speaker.
 That also means the best language class is the one which has a native speaker as the teacher.
 The foreign teacher usually uses only the language being learnt in the class and refuses to speak in any other.
 Therefore you can become more familiar with the language you are studying because you are forced to speak in it.
Talking to a native speaker in your country is good, however, talking to a native in his own country is far better. If you can afford to travel to the country where the language that you are learning is spoken and stay there for some time, it's the fastest way to improve your speaking skills. When you are surrounded by a new language everyday and no one talks to you in your mother tongue, you have to try your best to speak in that language to survive! Besides being able to learn how people really talk in their daily lives, you can also enlarge your vision with new views and enrich your knowledge about a different culture.

What do you do when students don’t want to put that extra mile to do a speaking presentation, so they get cold feet and read from their notes just to get by. Improving speaking skills takes a lot of classroom practice, motivation to speak, and skill. Sometimes it is necessary to think beyond the box, adding creative elements wherever possible depending of course, on the skills of your students and how open they are to creative thinking.
Improving the speaking skills of your students may be difficult, but the added benefit is building confidence in students for speaking skills and strategies. Even though the professional years are still way in the future, help your students by starting small. Teach both speaking and listening activities, sometimes even in one lesson, while preparing them for that future presentation. That way, students don’t feel the pressure and burden when it comes their turn to present a presentation due to remembering the fear of those earlier years during those speaking activities.
READ MORE - How to Improve English Speaking For Students

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Serial Story Of Hard Life Episode 2 (Bagian 2) by Evy In Indonesia n English

Sang bapak akhirnya memutuskan untuk pindah rumah, di desa agak terpencil dan jauh dari keramain. Keluarga itu juga membuka penggilingan padi disana. Ternyata walau desanya terpencil penggilingan padi itu ramai dikunjungi oleh banyak orang dari berbagai desa. Winda walau diam-diam dia masih sering ketemu dengan Faisal jantung hatinya. Namun apalah daya, paman Faizal memaksa Faizal menikah dengan seorang gadis anak orang kaya. Dan di hari pernikahannya, Faizal malah pergi dengan Winda, mengantarnya pulang. Semua orang dalam acara itu mencari Faizal, dan akhirnya ketemu, Faizal dipaksa pulang untuk mengikuti acara pernikahannya, Winda juga menyarankan lebih baik Faizal menurut saja. Itulah akhir hubungan mereka.
Penggilingan padi bapaknya ramai juga, namun karena bapaknya udah tua, dan anak-anaknya tidak ada yang bisa membantu, akhirnya penggilingan itu disewakan kepada orang lain, yaitu seorang saudagar kaya, duda, namun masih muda, tampan dan beriman, bernama Rozy bersaudara. Dan lama-kelamaan Rozy pun jatuh hati kepada Winda yang pendiam, suka bekerja keras dan cantik itu. Karena mereka tiap hari bertemu, maka timbullah keinginan Rozy untuk meminang Winda. Niat itupun disampaikan kepada bapak Winda, dan bapak Windapun menyetujuinya. Winda mau atau tidak mau, harus mau menikah dengan Rozy, pilihan bapaknya. Akhirnya Windapun mau menikah dengan Rozy. Pernikahanpun dilaksanakan dengan meriah, walau hati Winda begitu gundah menikah tanpa cinta.
Irsan, putra ke dua dari empat bersaudara, dia tampan tapi kurang diperhatikan dalam keluarga itu, dia merasa buat apa jadi anak baik, kalau tidak diperhatikan di keluarganya, dia sangat keras, sama kayak bapaknya, sering berkelahi dengan teman’’nya. Dia ingin menjadi tentara, itupun tidak dikabulkan oleh bapaknya, makanya dia sering ugal-ugalan, namun, dia masih mau mengantar dan menjemput adik bungsunya, Viana, yang masih duduk di SMP, kalau ada yang menggoda adiknya, walau sedikit saja, paasti sudah ditonjok oleh dia. Viana sendiripun pernah terkena tonjokan sampai pingsan, karena ketemuan dengan seorang cowok yang menyukainya.

In English :
Winda’s father finally decided to move his house to the village is rather Isolated and far from crowded. The family also opened a rice mill there. Apparently even the remote village rice mill was visited by many people from various villages. Winda though secretly she still often met with Faisal,her heart. But whatever the power, Faizal’s uncle force him married a girl, she is a daughter of rich man. And on her wedding day, Faizal instead go with Winda, to go home. Everyone in the show looking for Faizal, and finally met, Faizal was forced to go home to attend his wedding, Winda also suggested, it’s better to follow them. That was the end of their relationship.
Their Rice mills was crowded as well, but because his father has been already old, and no one of the children in the family can help, finally their grinding rented to someone else, namely a wealthy merchant, a widower, but still young, handsome and faithful, called Rozy brothers. Rozy and eventually fell in love with Winda a quiet, hardworking and beautiful. Because every day they met, so Rozy had desire to woo Winda . Intention and even then submitted to Winda’s father, and Winda’s father agreed. Winda, willing or unwilling, to be willing to marry with Rozy, the choice of her father. Finally Winda want to marry Rozy. Their Wedding day carried out with great fanfare, though Winda’s heart was so anxious to marry without love.
Irsan, the second son of four children, he was handsome but less attention in the family, he feels why should be good, if not addressed in his family, he was very hard, just like his father, fights with his friends. He wanted to be a soldier, and even then not granted by his father, so he often reckless, however, he still wants to drop off and pick up his youngest sister, Viana, who was still sitting in junior high, if there is a seductive sister, although little, was punched paasti by him. Viana herself was never exposed to punch him into unconsciousness, because she met with a guy like her.
READ MORE - Serial Story Of Hard Life Episode 2 (Bagian 2) by Evy In Indonesia n English

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Serial Story Of hard Life ( Real Story ) by EVY in Indonesia n English

Bagian 1 ( Episode 1)
Sebuah keluarga dengan empat anak, dua perempuan dan dua laki-laki, mereka adalah Winda, Irsan, Mashan, dan Viana. Mereka dididik dengan keras dan kerja tiap hari di penggilingan padi yang mereka punya. Ayah mereka terkenal sangat keras dan mudah marah kepada orang lain dengan main tangan seenaknya. Tapi anak-anak mereka terkenal cantik dan tampan.
Winda, putri pertama, dicintai oleh pegawai bapaknya sendiri, Anwar, pertama bapaknya menyetujui hubungan mereka, namun karena si Anwar bermasalah sedikit dengan bapaknya Winda, akhirnya hubungan mereka pun tak disetujui. Winda sering dikejar bapaknya dengan membawa benda tajam, karena bapaknya masih melihat Winda ketemuan dengan si Anwar. Sampai si Anwar jatuh sakit, dia tak bisa bangun dari tempat tidur, dan selalu memanggil nama Winda, “Winda, Winda, dimana kamu Winda?” selalu seperti itu, sampai Winda pun mencuri waktu untuk menjenguk Anwar di rumahnya, dan Anwar pun sembuh, keajaiban cinta.
Sungguh masih jaman Siti Nurbaya, mereka benar-benar tidak bisa bersatu, karena nenek mereka juga tidak setuju dengan hubungan mereka. Hati pun berpindah tempat, seorang jejaka tampan jatuh hati kepada Winda, namanya Faizal. Dia dari keluarga berada, namun dia bekerja jadi supir pamannya yang paling kaya di desanya. Setiap pulang sekolah, Winda dijemput oleh Faizal disekolahnya. Hubungan mereka berlangsung lama. Namun akhirnya, paman Faizal mengetahui hal itu, dan beliau melarang hubungan mereka dilanjutkan. Sungguh malang si Winda, selalu saja ada yang menghalangi kisah cintanya.

in English :
A family with four children, two girls and two boys, they are Winda, Irsan, Mashan, and Viana. They are educated and work hard every day in the rice mills they have. Their father was known to be very loud and irritable to others by playing the hand casually. But their children's well-known beautiful and handsome.
Winda, first daughter, loved by the employees own father, Anwar, the first father approve of their relationship, but because of the Anwar Winda troubled a bit by his father, eventually their relationship was not approved. Winda often chased his father with a sharp object, because his father was still seeing the Winda ketemuan with Anwar. Until the Anwar fell ill, he could not get out of bed, and always call name of Winda, "Winda, Winda, where you Winda?" Always like that, until Winda was stealing time to see Anwar in his house, and Anwar was recovered, miracle of love.
It was time Siti Nurbaya, they really can not unite, because their grandmother did not agree with their relationship. Liver was on the move, a handsome youth fell in love with Winda, his name Faizal. He was of the family was, but he works so drivers of the most wealthy uncle in his village. Every home from school, picked up by Faizal in Winda's school. Their relationship lasted long. But ultimately, Faizal uncle knew it, and he forbade their relationship continued. Winda's really unfortunate, there's always that prevents her love story.
READ MORE - Serial Story Of hard Life ( Real Story ) by EVY in Indonesia n English

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

My Slide - Look At Me !!

READ MORE - My Slide - Look At Me !!